The diagram below illustrates the components of the Center. The interaction of members and faculty constitutes the operation of the Center.

WIMS2 Interaction Models - A list of the ways members can collaborate with faculty and students, and the means in which technology transfer is accomplished.
See Table Below
WIMS2 Business Benefits - The ultimate benefits gained from membership in the Center lie in the contribution that the Center makes toward helping a company create successful strategies and achieve its business objectives.
See Table Below
There are three components: Research, Faculty and Students, and Industrial Members.
These components are integrated through the engagement models defined in the Bylaws and provide three basic services:
Relationships and Collaboration – The Center helps create personal relationships between Faculty and Students, and Industrial Members.
Technology Transfer – Neutrally-funded and faculty-designated research is openly shared with industrial member companies with the following types of interactions:
- Personal Relationships with Faculty and Students
- Twice-annual Formal Research Reviews
- Member Sponsored Fellowships
- Graduate Placement
- Early Disclosure of IP
- One Year Right of First Refusal
- Preferential Licensing Terms
Other forms of Technology Transfer include research that is not shared with other member companies, and includes company-sponsored research, and the Resident Engineer program.
Administration and Support – The Center also supports Faculty and Students, and Member Companies through:
- Meetings
- Events
- Invited Speakers
- Conferences and Workshops
- Website
- Center Promotion and Marketing
- Publishing Papers, Journal Articles, Patents, Books
- Producing Webinars, Student Videos, and Recorded Events
- Live Webcasts
- Recruiting